Monthly Archives: June 2010

  • Worldcup Boulder Eindhoven

    Oeeee, almost. Just one night, a bit of soccer and then climbing! I just had the technical meeting and got the starting list. I’m already nervous and feel this little heartbeat in my throat. But, I already felt better after I met another iceclimber: Radka from Bulgaria. She’s kind and social, so time to chill …

  • Tuzgle

    I remember my first time in Céüse “many” years ago. There I met a really nice, friendly, enthusiastic, energetic girl from Swiss. Nina Caprez. When climbing in Europe I met her again a couple times and now she’s the star in a new climbing video. A real must-see video called Tuzgle. Allez Nina!

  • Worldcup Boulder Eindhoven

    Just a couple days to go. I’m nervous and have the feeling I’m not strong enough, not good enough. Erik told me yesterday that 50% of my strength is ‘between my ears’. If I’d stop ‘thinking’, be more relaxed, I’d climb a lot better…which is true, I guess. Most of the times, when I climb …

  • Trad climbing meeting in Italy

    Good news, again :) I’m one of the two (or three, Dennis, I hope you can join us too!) who’s invited by the NKBV (Dutch Alpine Club) to go the the International Trad Climbing Meeting in Valle Orco in Italy (yes, close to Arco) It’s not yet going to happen, but I just received my …

  • Sunday Movie Time

    My life is so complicated/simple (circle the right answer). When I’m not climbing I am: Dreaming about climbing Fixing my climbing gear Working as climbing instructor Planning my climbing holidays Chatting with my climbing friends Make climbing pictures Write about climbing and….watch climbing movies Like this one about Tim Emmet on Muy Caliente in Wales …

  • New! Petzl gear

    Yes, so cool to receive a big box full of gear! Yesterday I went to Demmenie Sport in Amsterdam to pick up my birthday-sinterklaas-christmas-presents for the next 10 years. I’m sponsored by my favourite climbing brand, Petzl. (Really, it is my favourite brand, even before I got sponsored I gathered as much I could from …

  • Petzl Gear

    Yeah !! New Petzl Gear. Today it is Christmas “Sinterklaas” And my Birthday all in one :) A Big box was waiting for me at Beversport Rotterdam. So i brought my bigpack (which was to small) to bring all the gear home. Because of some Backorders i’m still waiting for most of the ice gear. …

  • Elections 2010

    Tomorrow, Wednesday, the Netherlands will vote for a new parliament. It’s an exciting ‘competition’! Will the conservative right-wing win, the anti-Islamic party, the Christian democrats (again…) or will it be my favourite this time D66 (liberal democratic)… Op wie stem jij/op wie heb jij gestemd? Ik stem op D66, ik ben zelfs lid van D66. …

  • Elderly-walk

    These days in Holland we have an annual event called ‘wandelvierdaagse’. Kids walk four evenings a little walk. On the end of the week they get a medal. My grandmother is doing her special elderly-walk this week. Three days, one hour per day. Me and my mum pushed her wheelchair. Finally something good for the …

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