Monthly Archives: January 2016

  • 10 years IWC Saas Fee 2006- 2016

    This year is the tenth time Dennis takes part in the Iceclimbing Worldcup at Saas Fee, Switzerland. It was one of his best, regarding the lead climbing and one of his worst regarding the speed climbing. But, he at least didn’t put an iceaxe in his leg this time. Tired from all the travelling Marianne …

  • Qualifications for the Dutch Championships Iceclimbing

    The first ever. Dutch Championships Iceclimbing. History. That is what me made this Saturday January 9. 2016. The last five years we’ve worked on a development of our sports. Dutch Drytool Event, clinics, courses, qualified instructors, articles in newspapers, online, Facebook pages etcetera. And now, together with our national federation, NKBV, we’ve put a big …

  • The unusual destination: Liechtenstein

    Holiday destination: Liechtenstein New Year’s Eve at about 02:30. Loads of fireworks, friends, champaign, beer and Oliebollen.(Dutch style 8-12cm bread balls, often with raisins and/or Apple, baked in oil we only eat those things with new years’s.) We’ve wished everyone a good new year and quietly I wish this year will bring me a little more …

  • NK Sportklimmen

    30 november 2015 Maandag ochtend hardlopen en het trimparcours, meestal ‘s avonds klimmen Dinsdag soms trimparcours soms lange wandeling van 1-2-3uur ‘s avonds klimmen. Woensdag ochtend trim parcours met hardlopen. ‘S avonds klimmen, of donderdag avond klimmen. Donderdag ochtend lange wandeling en ‘s avonds klimmen. Vrijdag wandelen, verder rustdag. Zaterdag fietsen of klimmen Zondag fietsen of klimmen. En tussendoor …

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